Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WE TV pokes fun with presidental poll

So, what do you get when you take all of the top presidential candidates and their spouses for Election 2008, put them tumbler filled with a thousand woman and start to shake it? You get Women's Entertainment Vote '08's "Purely Entertaining Political Poll."

WE Vote, http://www.wetv.com/we-vote/index.html, is a national grassroots initiative whose mission is to urge women to vote on Election Day. Approximately 1,151 woman were surveyed about a month ago for this special opinion poll, which has a little fun with the presidential candidates.

Poll questions and results included:

Who most needs a makeover?
John McCain at 30 percent. Seems like the Republican party should have shared the wealth of the $150,000 it spent sprucing up Palin. Then again, maybe not. Sarah Palin trails right behind McCain for most in need of a makeover at 19 percent. I don't know. I think she looks presentable enough.

Whose personal style do you like best?
Michelle Obama at 35 percent. People seem to like the J. Crew look on her. But here's what I don't understand, Sarah Palin is right behind her at 31 percent. So maybe she doesn't really need that makeover after all.

Which couple would you like to see in a reality show and follow around the White House?
Sarah and Todd Palin at 46 percent. With talk of hunting, pit bulls with lipstick and hockey moms on the campaign trail, a reality show with the Palins would be the highest rated on TV - ever.

Who would you most like to go dancing with?
Barack Obama at 38 percent. He looks like he's got moves.

Who do you most want to be stuck on a desert island with?
Barack Obama at 31 percent, followed by Sarah Palin at 21 percent. I say instead of me being stuck on a deserted island with either of them, they should be stuck together. Kind of like a "Survivor: The Presidental Race." Whoever gets home alive first wins the presidency!

- January Holmes

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