Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Book Talk Thursday

Sarasota News and Books presents a book talk on the Israel/Palestine conflict 6:30 p.m. April 30. Constance Hammond, author of "Shalom/Salaam/Peace: A Liberation Theology of Hope," will speak.

Hammond is a professor at Marylhurst University in Oregon.
Here's some info on her book:

From the first chapter’s overview of the historical, scriptural and theological rationale for the present situation in Israel/Palestine, the author leads us through the realities of life in Israel/Palestine with its politics, wars, security wall, settlements and ongoing struggles between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The ownership of land, water rights, human rights and religious rights are among the main issues that weave through this book---a book which is about two peoples and three religions struggling for their very survival. Lifted up for us are examples of key figures who are promoting peace and justice---some at the cost of their lives.

The second chapter offers Liberation Theology as a viable way to bring peace in Israeli/Palestinian. The indigenous Christian community in Israel/Palestine (which has been reduced to a minority of between one to two percent) is lifted up as a people of hope for the area. With the ongoing violence from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), who routinely bulldoze homes and make air attacks upon civilians while searching for terrorists, and the extremist Palestinian Muslims who have bombed buses, cafes and markets in their suicide bombings, the Palestinian Christians are the only ones who have not yet resorted to violence. They have managed to maintain a non-violent stance, out of their faith base, as they have been forced out of their homes and villages and towns and cities and had restrictions imposed upon them by the Israeli government.

For more information, call 365-6332.

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