Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bradenton couple wins tickets to Idol finale

Bradenton residents Julie and Steve Barnes won an all-expenses paid trip to see the "American Idol" finale at the end of the month.

When I talked to Julie briefly this morning, she said the news still hasn't completely sunk in.

"I can't believe I won," she said. "I've never won anything in my life."

Juile won her coveted prize through Regal Entertainment Group, which sponsored the contest. When she took her daughter to see "Hannah Montana: The Movie," she brought a soda using her Regal card, which automatically entered her in the contest, she said.

It wasn't long after that Julie received a phone call from Regal saying she won a trip for four to Hollywood - with paid airfare and hotel - to see "Idol" live. It's one of her favorite shows.

We're not sure who Julie will be rooting for, but she, like us, was suprised to see Allison get voted off last night.

- January Holmes

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