Friday, September 11, 2009

Audition notice

The Manatee Players will hold auditions for the hit musical "Nunsense" 7 p.m. Sept. 13-14. Auditions will be held at the Courtyard condos two blocks up from the theater on Old Main Street. Someone will be waiting to let auditioners through the gate.

Those auditioning should prepare a song in their key and be ready for the movement portion of the audition that the director may require. There are no children’s roles in this show. The show is being directed and choreographed by award-winning director/choreographer Bob Trisolini.

Those interested in volunteering backstage on the tech crew should call Kristin Ribble at 941-748-0111 or to help build the set, call Bill Booth at 941-748-0111.

Questions about all auditions should be directed to Rick Kerby at 941-748-0111.

Please note that by auditioning, you are obligating yourself to a considerable rehearsal and performance process. Please be certain that you are willing and able to make this commitment.

"Nunsense" opens Oct. 29 and runs through Nov. 15.

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