Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sarasota youth lands biggest role yet

I don't know if you had the opportunity to see last season's imagative "Willy Wonka" at the Manatee Players. For those who did, there's a certain Umpa Lumpa from the show who has recently been offered a role on the national tour of "Annie."

She's 10-year-old Sarasota resident Jordan Boezem. Jordan will play the role of July, a fellow orphan in Annie's crew. This will only be the second production she's been in, said mom, Joanne Boezem. Boezem attributes her daughter's sudden stage success to Spotlight Kids - a Sarasota-based musical theater group for ages 5 to 16. Cynthia Howe Ashford directs the group, helping them grow the necessary skills they need to shine during auditions and on stage. The group performs at area events, nursing homes and Disney World. Jordan has been with Spotlight Kids for two years.

When "Annie" kicks off another 30+ city tour in Dayton, OH in November, Jordan's father will be by her side. Mrs. Boezem, a pediatrician, will have to stay behind as she recently opened a new practice in town called Paradise Pediatrics. Regardless, Boezem is still beaming with joy at her daughter's good fortune. What mom wouldn't be proud? Unfortunately, the tour won't come this way next season since it made a stop in Tampa a few months ago. This season, it will only come as close as Panama City for a show in March 10, 2010.

We wish Jordan good luck!

- January Holmes


  1. I'm very proud of my little sister Luv Ya!!! <3 Alyssa

  2. The Weinberger Family is so proud of Jordan. Congratulations. Have fun and enjoy the ride! -Amy F. Weinberger

  3. Congratulations, Jordi we are so pround of you. Our little superstar!!
    The Southerland family.

  4. Congratulations Jordan! We know you'll shine!!! Lov u!!!

    Auntie Lisa

  5. Jordan we are so proud of you!! We love you very much. The Coy family

  6. Hey Jordi, I know you'll do great! Love ya!


  7. Jordan!!

    We knew you were a star, now everyone else will!!


    Miss Jill and all of your dance teachers at Stage Door Studios

  8. Hi all of your Trinidad and Tobago, West Indian family are proud of you! congrats marcia cousin

  9. Hey Jordi i am so glad you are in ANNIE!!!!!! The one thing i am going to miss the most. MY BEST FRIEND THAT IS MORE THAN A SISTER TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will miss you sister! loveya courtney/M.J.

  10. Congrats, little MaMa we knew you were a star even before you danced at the wedding. Very proud of you. Love and success.
    T. Byanille
