Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Sesame Street

Boy, where has the time gone.

It almost seems like yesterday that I was sitting down on the floor of my parents living room watching "Sesame Street" after my daily dose of "Tom and Jerry."

Years later, after my taste in TV matured, I find that "Sesame Street" - one of my favorite childhood shows - has turned the big 4-0 today. It's funny how Big Bird and Elmo haven't aged a bit. But that's kid land for you.

"Sesame Street" has been huge on educating children and teaching strong moral lessons in the most entertaining ways, featuring energetic songs and amusing characters, which is probably why it has lasted so long. The show reemphasized all I learned from school and my mom about the ABCs and team words like "cooperation" without making it boring.

While learning is all well and good, kids watch the show because it's fun. "Sesame Street's" characters have a way of staying with you, even if you've aged out of the viewing demographic. People can easily tell you their most memorable characters. My favorites were Big Bird, Cookie Monster and the cuddly Mr. Snuffleupagus, but I have to say that I had an affection for the little green muppet with the stinky attitude known as Oscar the Grouch. I knew it was just TV, but I was amazed at how Oscar lives in a trash can. It has to be fairly spacious inside. Kind of like the telephone booth that Dr. Who lived in.

-January Holmes

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