Friday, December 11, 2009

"Annie's" second cast

You may have seen and heard much about the first cast of the hit musical "Annie" at the Manatee Players. Here's a peek at the other cast involved in the production.

So many girls showed up for the casting call that director Dewayne Barrett and Players' artistic director Rick Kerby decided to double cast the show with the two casts performing on alternating nights.

Featured above is Reese Balliet with Sandy and orphan girls Caroline Howard, Gina Montoya, Julia King, Daniele Grutzner-Quinn, Chloe Hollands, Antoinette Gagliano, Eva Bayer, Mikaela Vitug, Tamara Solum as Miss Hannigan and Mark Netherly as Bundles McCloskey.

"Annie" continues at the Manatee Players through Dec. 23.

- January Holmes

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