Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Idol" favorites

After two nights of watching the new season of "American Idol," I realize how much I will miss the crafty crabbiness of Simon Cowell.

No one could hurl better insults yet be entirely dead on at the same time as he tells people they look like Latoya Jackson and such. He actually seems tamer this year, though.

Last night's show, featuring auditions in Atlanta, brought out some strong talent that I'm looking forward to seeing during Hollywood week. My favorite so far is the country girl from Vonore, Tenn. - Vanessa Wolfe. She's the girl that likes to jump off bridges and brought her pink audition dress from the Dollar Store.

That's pretty down home.

Her dream is to get out of the dead-end town she feels "trapped in." She has the sweetest personality and a great voice. I'm worried that she'll get thrown to the wolves during Hollywood week, though. And if she does, by the grace of God, happen to triumph, I still worry that when forced to sing other genres, she might not do so well. But here's hoping.

I'm also looking forward to the dude (Antonio "Skii Bo Ski" Wheeler) that said the all the crazy stuff on last night's show that no one could understand while trying to make his stage name the new catch phrase. He may not have the best voice in the world, but he certainly pumps some fun into "Idol." It's amazing he got through.

Too bad 62-year-old Larry Platt is too old to move on. I really liked his original "Pants on the Ground" song. Seems Simon did too.

-January Holmes

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