Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Students, the Sarasota Film Festival wants you!

Young Filmmakers Showcase Call for Entries
Deadline: March 1, 2010

In Competition - Lights, Camera, Local
Student filmmakers (age 18 and under) from the state of Florida are invited to submit a short film completed any time within the past two years. Limit 2 entries per director. Selected films will be screened and juried during the festival. Promising Young Filmmaker Award and scholarship prize awarded to the winning films at the Hollywood Nights youth event.

Out of Competition - International Showcase
Student filmmakers (age 18 and under) from around the world are invited to submit a short film completed any time within the past two years. Limit 2 entries per director. Selected films will be screened during the festival. Recognition at the Hollywood Nights youth event.

Submission Guidelines:

  • No submission fee
  • Submitting via Withoutabox.com is preferred. Submissions not entered through Withoutabox.com will be considered only if programming space remains open after all WAB submissions have been considered. Must include a contact e-mail address and phone number.
  • Deadline: Must be recieved (not postmarked) by March 1, 2010. Films will be selected and entrants notified by March 6, 2010.
  • Maximum Total Run Time: 10 Minutes (including credits)
  • Send TWO discs with project in Qui cktime Format (.mov); DVD format accepted as a supplement. Must include Title, Director, School, Total Run Time, and Without A Box Submission Number (or Telephone Number) on disc.
  • Must include a photocopy of current student identification card or name, address, and phone contact for current school

    Mail submissions to:
    Outreach and Education
    Young Filmmakers Showcase
    c/o Sarasota Film Festival
    332 Cocoanut Ave.
    Sarasota, FL 34236

Students and teachers can also check out the FREE student film classes being offered at http://www.sarasotafilmfestival.com/2010/festival/youthfest/. They include film screenings, screenplay writing and much more.

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