Friday, March 5, 2010

When student arts funding hit a wall

Sometimes, being a drama student can be no fun.

When you have to cancel a production because there’s no funding, it’s disheartening.

That was the case at Bayshore High School recently. The drama department cancelled its spring production, “A Pirates Life for Me,” because arts funding for the school has basically dried up thanks to a formidable foe — the lackluster economy.

Brendan Murphy, the school’s drama teacher, phoned me with the news, and told me how bad the department was struggling. But he is determined to have a show of some sort go on.

His remedy?

Find out in my column on Sunday, in the A&E section of the Bradenton Herald.

- January Holmes


  1. It's throughout the county's school Arts programs - inmiddle and high schools - quite sad, especially for the children who truly put there hearts into not only what they do but the fundraising that goes with it.

  2. That's why communities need to support the local arts program in schools. That extra support can make all the difference.
