Friday, June 18, 2010

Long lines at Wizarding World of Harry Potter

It will take patience and a little magic to get into the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Bradenton resident Kathy Shaulis reports from the Wizarding World at Universal Orlando: "I've been in line since 7:15 a.m. and I still have an hour to wait to get through the gates!" She's a little frustrated that she stayed at a Universal hotel specifically to get the early-park entrance deal. The problem, she says, is that they let the general public in early and it's filled to capacity. It's 93 degrees and she thinks Universal should've provided free water or some sort of shade for those standing in line for 6-8 hours. She sent her children back to the hotel to swim while she holds their place in line.

The good news is that the folks in line with her are really cool and they are managing to make the best of a frustrating situation. Let's hope she gets in soon. She promises to report back in a few hours, so stay tuned.
-- Jana Morreale, Features editor


  1. I was also at Harry Potter's Wizarding World today and all I can say is BOOOOO to Universal for allowing thier customers into such a situation. No Crowd managment, little direction and confusion ruled the day in this visitos opinion.

  2. Not worth the long lines. Massive confusion, extensive long lines and no one knows anything. Staff cannot tell folks how long the wait is going to be. Just getting into Islands of Adventure entrance it took about one hour to get into the park. No organization from management. Thumbs down.

  3. I agree - not worth the long lines. The big ride is pretty good, the rest is just pretty. The line organisation is terrible - no cover, no air con, no fans, no chains to tell you where to stand, no room in the shops once you're in. After a week of Disney, this was a huge disappointment. And what's with all the snow?
