Friday, June 25, 2010

Roommate of the year? You decide.

Venice resident Suzanne Marshall is up for the chance to win $10,000. But only you can decide if she gets it.
Marshall has become a finalist in's Roommate of the Year contest. She made a video with her dog, Abby, titled "Mischief Maker." In it, her and her roommate, Abby, who was rescued as a pup, sing about why Marshall should be chosen as "Roommate of the Year."

Warning: it's a little corny.

View Marshall's video along with the other nine finalists here. I haven't watched them all, but the "Super Star Roommate!" was kind of interesting. Voting continues through July 30.

If Marshall wins, she not only gets $10,000 but free rent for a year. Makes me wish that I would have entered that contest.

- January Holmes

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