Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nilo Cruz's 'Hurricane' and lamb chops win me over at Ringling Fest

Just returned from a long, fun day that included covering the opening night of the Ringling International Arts Festival.

My glowing review of Nilo Cruz's play "Hurricane," plus an RIAF overview piece for the 10/14 front page of the dead tree edition, will be posted at the home site shortly.

For now, I'm too tired from the pile of luscious lamb chops and perfectly prepared prime rib I inhaled at the Post-Performance Gala to type anything but gibberish.

10:15 a.m. UPDATE:

"Ringling International Arts Festival opens with a bang"

"Baryshnikov, Neumann shine in series of dances"

Review of Nilo Cruz's "Hurricane."

Find the Herald’s Ringling International Arts Festival preview and a schedule of events at

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